More Brand-X bootlegs
In June there were (at least) 2 fake Brand-X decks for sale. The left one is a copy of a 1986 Sean Goff model that was designed by Steve Krajewski, it even says ‘Sean Goff model’ on the top right. The right one was based on the 1987 XEX-model by Bernie Tostenson. It’s actually the same like the one from last month, only in another colourway and I think it could have been made from another company too, because the design looks slightly different.
This sold on Kapaza for 5 euros.
This ‘Sean Goff’ was for sale at lebonbcoin.fr for 10 euros.
And of course the much nicer, original Brand-X deck, seen in Ebay watch: May 2012.
I used to ride one of these cheapy completes and in the mid 80s met Sean Goff at a Slalom comp at Brands Hatch race track. I asked him to sign my board with a Biro, he declined but did sign my copy of RAD. He was a nice guy whereas the then editor of Skateboard Magazine who was also there was not. His magazine wasn’t a patch on RAD anyway and I think he knew it in his heart. That is all from the UK today
Sean Goff has a shop on ebay now, but is taking it easy in July, hoping to enjoy some sunny days … Sun in the UK? Good luck with that!
We are all well aware of Mr Toddtwist and his Ebay wares over here in the primitive dark UK.
Belgium is dark too and people here don’t know about ebay and think that paying with cash money is much safer.
Unlike my southern neighbor here, we over here in the Netherlands are civilized and have heard of ebay. And I think paying online is okay.
On topic; I could easily snatch up one of these lovely counterfeits if I bother to register on these, uuh …craigslist counterfeits.
le bon coin is an international craig list: aggeliopolis.gr ayosdito.ph berniaga.com bikhir.ma blocket.se bomnegocio.com buenacuerdo.com.ar chotot.vn compramelo.co.cr custojusto.pt dinkos.com.au donedeal.ie jofogas.hu kapaza.be kufar.by mudah.my roloeganga.com sahipasand.com segundamano.com.mx segundamano.es subito.it soov.ee tocmai.ro todoaca.com.uy tori.fi tradestable.com.ng tutti.ch vende.pe willhaben.at yapo.cl
I wish I could search more crappy desks on all sites at the same time !