Pump Bump Hump 2
Kevin sent in some pics in response to the post on the backyardskate project. Same idea, bigger scale.
UPDATE: added a picture of the finished bump.
Kevin sent in some pics in response to the post on the backyardskate project. Same idea, bigger scale.
UPDATE: added a picture of the finished bump.
This is awesome!
awesome, thanks Kevin, lets see a finished pic of it…started to pour it today & got rained off, need to call it in the next hr as to finishing it or scraping it back to give something decent for it to hold on to another day. got it covered but rain doesn’t seem to be letting up. shit!
Carlsbad mogul field!
here is the same story , the rain never lets up it has been rainning 5 days out of seven. i will send randy the pics of the finished product
keep on Creting
and it came out pretty smooth with very little imperfections .
we just used mag trowels then a finishing trowel with a sprinkle of water.
i am curious to know how yours comes out