Teen Titans #49
Skateboarding gangs were a recurring theme in 70’s comic books. I would cite the temporal proximity of the Warriors, but that wasn’t released until 1979. Teen Titans Volume 12, No. 49 was published in August 1977. The bad guys look like they escaped from the set of Devo’s Freedom of Choice, but that album didn’t come out until 1980. DC comic’s bad guys, AKA Rocket Rollers, clown on the Teen Titans and rob a disco. Far out man. Also of historical importance, comic book evience of the first ever wall (and ceiling) ride. I’m not sure why Wonder Girl didn’t let go of her lariat instead of slamming into the wall…
That’s not Wonder Girl, that’s Wonder Wife, who “can’t understand how he can ignore my commands”… but skateboarding seems to have given him temporary powers.
MY bro bought this one due to the skating cover. It was shit then and its still shit now. But thanks anyway