Reader DIY: Garage Mini Maxi
Bryan from right here in S&A’s back yard sent in some pictures of a ramp he built in his garage.
Longtime reader here, just got back from Afghan and finished up the last corner of my garage ramp. Two main sides are 6ft radius and 4ft and 7.5 ft tall, house door side is 4.5ft radius and 2ft tall and garage door side is 3ft radius with 6.5ft tall near-vert wall. The newest corner has a 1ft tall roll-up to 4ft radius quarter to wall ride. The corner at the base of the 7.5ft tall section is a compound curve-based hip.
Looks pretty excellent. What are you using on that top layer?
Looks fun. My yard is undergoing a DIY upgrade.
Thanks for posting! Top layer is 5mm hardwood underlayment, about twice the cost of masonite but well worth it in my opinion.
@Nweyesk8 – If you are out in Hillsboro/Forest Grove area sometime, you should come check it out.
Hey man I am also planning on using the 5MM underlaym but was wondering if you coated it with anything like Skate Paint or Marine Urethene? Live in Fla. where it rains allot and tarps dont hold up?
My ramp is indoor so no paint or anything. Good luck with yours.
i am thinking of redoing my indoor bowl in my garage , i used masonite .
it gets dusty . where did you buy your underlayment , what brad if any
I got it at Home Depot… but when I was finishing up the last corner they changed brands and the new stuff didn’t work as well. Sorry, I don’t recall the brand.
That’s a pretty sick setup! I’d transform my own garage but there are already too many cars on the lot and the city is stingy on the street parking passes.
DIY strikes again. Looks rad!
Well done, B. Welcome Home!
Your garage is lovely. Was there any issue bending that underlayment on the tighter transitions?
Thanks Jeff. The underlayment worked quite well in most spots. The compound curve and the roll-up corner were a little tricky but the rest wasn’t bad at all.
Nice looking work. Wanna trade sessions?
Yes sir, you are welcome anytime. I’m just barely West of Hillsboro on TV Hwy.
I grew up on 185th and Baseline, enjoying Smiley’s, Twin Oaks, Alby’s, and Shippey’s Ramp.
Would love to come by with a few cold ones, skate, and spin yarns of ‘eighties Aloha.
Would love to have a session… I don’t drink so HW Vanilla Cream for me. I am coming up on 10 years in this area so I may not be able to contribute any yarns ;).
Wow. So awesome.
where do you park your BMW….uuuuh up my ass.
Looks legit! Im there with my skim skate and wetsuit later!
Hello man,
nice work!
My house and ramp are sadly up for sale :/ — http://tinyurl.com/kp85uzz
Under duress? Sorry to hear that.
Due to divorce :(. Looks like the house is likely sold. Any ideas for a new home for the ramp in the Portland metro? I’d love to work something out where it would get used (not as firewood!)
That is sick!what are the dimensions of the garage?I’m building 25×25 garage out back and am looking for ideas…glad I found this.skate on!??