A Golden Egg
It’s a little bit of Gonz, a lot of Simon Woodstock, and a little bit of Sorcery 118. These frame grabs only scrape the surface of what Jesse James and Chris Atherton are up to in terms of weird little Frankenstein skateboards and general… I guess shenanigans is the word I’m looking for. Seriously. These are not the best frame grabs, but there were too many to choose from. Some people find this kind of thing annoying, but I defy you not to smile while you are watching this. It’s a Golden Egg After you watch it, check out a short interveiw and some behind the scenes action on Caught in the Crossfire.
– Thanks to KC for the tip.
I saw this on skatedaily,very cool
Is that the sound of Grover slapping his forehead I hear in the background?
Sweet flick. I am inspired to get back to some fun and games myself because of it!
like the Big Boys said Sk@te for Fun.
Dan Cates, Simon Woodstock, Clowns and Ressurections. Punchflip, bollock exposure, sex addiction, fish bowl, pianoforte 5-O, fifth dimension navigation. Seems like ‘esque’ is fart oo ften preceeded by Dali.
I’m a rotting cunt.