Who will make the commercials?
Drink Water is trying to get people to skip the energy drinks and buzz cola in favor of drinking water instead. They don’t sell water, but they sell shirts, stickers and water bottles with the logo. 10% of the profits go towards water.org, an organization working towards getting clean drinking water for the almost 1 in 9 people in the world who don’t have access to clean water. Man, that seems really high. And for our purposes, they have a promo video with some skateboarding in it. This whole thing sounds like a bit in Portlandia. If we don’t drink energy drinks and soda, who will make TV commercials with skateboarding or sponsor the contest series that air on TV to show those commercials?
– Thanks to Tom Bender for the tip.
Bevi l’acqua strongly supports Drink Water ….
Good cause, nice video to boot.
in UK they have Saka Water.
Drink Saka !
Drink piss. It is 95% water, 2.5% urea and 2.5% minerals and other goodies. Such a waste to let is go down the drain, simply b/c it is a societal taboo. Auntie Larry would like to drink your piss.
So you want to be one of that 1 in 9?
Come now, Gents. One should drink wine, brandy, or a gin cordial before, after or during physical activities. It’s the sporting way, and it provides a lovely colour to one’s cheeks.
It’s always cool when kids show up a the park with a big ‘ol plastic gallon jug of water instead of f’n pop.