Austin storm water management
Two photos of a spot that amazingly enough was not built for skateboarding. Storm water management done the right way, somewhere in Austin, Texas.
– Thanks to Brianna Vance for the photos.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on February 4th, 2013
Categories: Skate, Spot Check
Tags: Austin, concrete, Texas
Two photos of a spot that amazingly enough was not built for skateboarding. Storm water management done the right way, somewhere in Austin, Texas.
– Thanks to Brianna Vance for the photos.
So has anybody laid down multiple sheets of plywood so that they could roll in to the entrance fast enough to ride over the exit hole? Shirley must have done it by now, I would think. Any photos of ol’ Shirls doing so, B?
I may or may not have.
In fact, if you had an 8′ quarter, with a bit of flat on one side cut diagonally, to set against the entrance, it looks like there is potential for a sick sick inverted grind across the top of the hole. Though not really, since the bit of inversion would turn you into the hole eventually, since it isn’t an arch. So, Shirley would never do THAT.
At any spot, one must ask oneself: WWSSD?
Where exactly in Austin is this? I’d love to hit it up sometime!
Tim go ask the Dream Destroyers… they know where it is.
reminds me more than a little bit of mcminnville
way gnarlier than mcminnie’s.
Nice. That’s Jesse Reed on the blunt.
I was at this session too.
That has got to be skater infiltration into civil engineering.
What ssk said. Would’ve been fun to hear the instructions from the supervisor of the workers who poured/shot the ‘crete: “Smooth out that bottom transition! Any kinks might create turbulence that will impede drainage!” Ha.
I know where this is – it’s down off Manchaca at William Cannon. Go check it out skaterats!
Where specifically off Manchaca and William Canon?
where off of Manchaca and William Cannon?
drove around the Manshack and William cannon area looking behind shopping centers and buildings. Can you give me a better hint, I live in that area, so I hope I can find this ditch. Thanks.
I looked on the satellite map and couldnt find squat either
found out that this is not in south Austin. I have gotten very general directions, but will have to go search over the next couple of days! 3 people have told me this is a north/central ATX spot. Dont think the satellite pics will show it, since none of the skateparks show on Google earth either.
let us know!!
Found this spot today! However, sadly to my amazement their was a city bulldozer parked near by and this ditch has been officially torn down. RIP. So, if you want to check for yourself it is in North Austin. Exit 2222 from Mopac, travel east to Shoal Creek rd and take a right going south. You will see the railing on the remaining ditch wall to the right a few block down the street where Bull Creek rd meets shoal creek. Sorry guys, I missed out too!
Yeah, do that.
1:03 and 4:57
Hey V, you still in Portland?
Went to this spot today. City put railing on the bottom of the transition. Totally not skate-able any more. Bummer