Survey Says?
It sounds like one of MC’s comics but we have it from a reliable source that the following question recently appeared on a Family Feud episode:
My mom told me one of the questions on family feud yesterday was, “Name something men keep doing even though they are too old.” She gloated in telling me a top answer was “skateboarding.” I looked for a vid to post to SnA, but, alas, found no residual evidence on the interwebby thingamabob. Guess I got take the old lady’s word for it.
That’s Skate and Annoy gold, my friends. Please tell me someone recorded this! As for reliable sources, I guess a reader’s mom qualifies as respectable, even if the reader is kind of dodgy.
– Thanks to Skidzilla for the tip.
Probably?…this does not mean that I will(voluntarily)stop.
Seems like “living at your mom’s house” should top that.
Definitely one of your most dodgy readers. How’s the air quality in Portland now that he’s a permanent resident? Miss that smelly sumbich.