Hot Lunch – Skaterock of Today
HOT LUNCH from San Francisco is one of the hottest Skaterock bands around at the moment. Their label describes them as “heavy, hard-driving punk ‘n’ roll” and I have nothing to add there. If you like heavy rock from the 70s and Skaterock from the 80s, I am pretty sure you will love HOT LUNCH.
The band released two vinyl 7” records so far, both on Germany´s WHO CAN YOU TRUST? Records. The first and self-titled 7” has the songs “She wants more” and “Alakazam”.
Their second 7” has the ass-kicking tune “Killer Smile” on side A and a song called
WHO CAN YOU TRUST? Records is going to release the first full-length album of HOT LUNCH around January 2013 and I am pretty sure, it´s going to be a must-have… except you are more into Skaterap.
skaterock? The horrendous song I heard on their facebook page sounds nothing like any skaterock I’ve ever heard. It’s a mess of early 70s prog rock nonsense.
Is there really a specific Skaterock sound? Is every song on the Thrasher Skaterock Tapes Skaterock?!?
Auntie Larry thinks houseofneil is a tad narrow-minded in his definition of skate rock.
yeah you’re probably right. Point taken. I guess I was expecting skatepunk and this is clearly not that.
But that raises a good question. What is the definition of skaterock? Is it any band in any genre that sings about skateboarding? Or is it any band that has a member that skates? Or all of the above? Doc, how do you decide what bands to cover?
My two cents: It’s undefinable, except to the ears it’s enetering… For me, if I can skate to it, I guess it qualifies.
I think you nailed it, Doc: “There just has to be a connection between music and skating…”
Definitely. And as to the topic of genres, there’s Classic Skaterock, and everything else that has yet to be labeled.
Skating and music are always going to be matters of personal taste. Cool to see somebody interested in delving into that relationship.
is UK “rendez-vous 6:02” skate rock or prog rock ?
(not UK Subs)
awful, just awful. you were kidding about the “must have,” right?
Nope, I love it!
Seems like others here like it too. Cool, to each his own. Not my cup of tea…
I hate tea.
I hate Slayer.
Wow, thanks for the sweet write-up, Doc!! Having our tunes mentioned on my favorite site is beyond flattering. Sorry you guys don’t dig it – especially Neil since I love most of the tunes on your column (thanks for turning me on to Giuda, by the way – they totally remind me Crushed Butler and Hammersmith Gorillas). But honestly, I’m just stoked that the younger dudes seem to like us more than the older guys:
Sounds so much like Graveyard it’s almost hard to believe it’s not the same band!
Graveyard is a Soundgarden derivative… i did not think his voice was anything like Chris Cornell’s, or whoever he was imitating…
They sound great…just what I needed because I’ve been listening way too much to The Shrine recently…
Id skate to it and it rocks… skate+rock=skaterock
Put me in with Team pro-Hot Lunch. They’re great live, too.
Send them over here, next time you see them. And tell them to take The Clay Wheels with them. Born to Barge!
HOT LUNCH fucking rule! masters of rock and roll!!
Hot Lunch rules!!! I recommend rocking out in the front row of a Hot Lunch show to truly grasp the energy and epic talent of these guys. May not be your cup of tea, but, you can’t deny that they’ve got serious skill. Plus, they are the coolest, kindest dudes ever.
Wow…this is why skateboarding is kind of a bummer.
Creative people stick their necks out, produce something from the heart, and some cock-knock has to take cheap shots from the cheap seats.
Way to be a “Bro!”, bro…
That’s right, Bend Right Over.
Fuck everyone who wants to harsh on the HOT LUNCH…
Keep skating, keep rocking…
As Thumper’s Mother said…”FUCK YOU, buddy!”
This rips…I don’t care what any chode says. Solid fucking band.