More Oregon skatespots on Espn.com
More Oregon skatespots on Espn.com This time from photographer Garric Ray. I can’t very well give him a hard time for calling Lincoln City a suburb of Portland because I once captioned a bean plant as a boneless on Fuel TV’s site. That photo too, was at Lincoln City.Must be something in the coastal air, (or concrete!) Can you end a sentence in parenthesis?
I think that main shot is at Gabriel Park, not Lincoln City.
You’re right. I stand corrected.
I suppose Strunk and White may object, but I do it all the time(!). Does that count, or does that sentence actually end in a period?
You can end a sentence in parenthesis (put the punctuation outside)!
Dammit Fitz, I’m sick of your not-quite-self-awareness. Oh the irony, indeed.
Chorus everybody: http://youtu.be/g5FnGoheN94