Mini Murderers
A long time ago, but not that long ago, someone claimed the only reason they were re-releasing the Gator board with “Gator” on it instead of “Vision” (like they originally did the re-issues) because there was a mixup with the old films. A little while later they claimed that Mark “Gator” Anthony never owned the trademark to the “Gator” name so it was ok. So… someone sure is confused about those old films huh? A mini version of your favorite celebrity skater’s pro model. Just the thing to inspire your kids. Available at Select Distribution.
who really wants that crap… so many better choices.
I just hope that piece of shit isn’t getting a cut of anything that bears that name…regardless of trademark.
How about a graphic of Meth, Gator with the chic he killed in a bag slung over his shoulder, lurking towards bars. Other than that, Select Distribution should dump anything remotely related to gator or donate every last cent to the victims family.
why are the misfits a skateboard company? i love the misfits but those dudes milk this shit more than george and stacy ever could.
holy shit how fuct up is vision? same product line since ’85…that gator was a G&S shape anyway
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