Spooner boards. So, uh… these are plastic, I think. They come in a rainbow of colors and two sizes, freestyle and “pro.” Another learning aid. Spendy too. About the same cost as a real board, but I guess you won’t, you know, wear it out. Also available in a snowboard model with built in Krainkers. As Mark said, nobody made it easier for MC to learn how to skateboard.
That is a metric shit-ton of landfill, I mean product.
this spooner definitly wont lead to forking
WINNER: walled eyed glue huffer!
thanks… but i am guilty of owning a ‘vood doo ‘ balance board 15 years ago
I didn’t see a single backside boneless check
He’d be lucky if that crap is recyclable
I’d be buttboarding that in the snow…