Tony Hawk at Burnside
I did not see Tony Hawk’s unannounced stop at Burnside yesterday, but I did make these nifty shelves in my garage instead. It would take me half a day to get this into the form of a cartoon like MC does, so this is what you get instead.
Frame 1: Caption – “1986” 1st guy speech bubble – “Tony Hawk is at our local skatepark right now!”
Frame 2: 2nd Guy speech bubble – “Oh man, I’m going to blow off finals for this, lets go!”
Frame 3: Caption – “2012” – 1st guy (looks older) speech bubble – “Tony Hawk is at our local skatepark right now!”
Frame 4: 2nd guy (looks older) speech bubble – “I think I’m going to build shelves in my garage.”
I’m not dissing Tony, I’m sure he was rad. I saw that he even graciously posed for some photos with grooms.
Interesting side note: The story behind why Portland wasn’t an official stop on his tour is a disappointing one.
People were getting married at Burnside? Those shelves look nice and purposeful.
Have you met Tony before?
I think you can be damn proud of those shelves.
I’m expecting MC’s cartoon to appear pretty soon!
i think a mini would fit in there better than shelves , and more useful
Frame 1: (Clock says 10am while playing Tony Hawk video game) Dude says: “Where should we skate today?”
Frame 2: Shot of Burnside going off with Tony Hawk.
Frame 3: (clock says 4pm) Dude says: “This game sucks, let’s hit Burnside!”
Frame 4: Dudes skating Burnside by themselves. “doesn’t anyone skate anymore?”
Frame 5: Hawk gets inspired,marrys 4th wife..Germ.
i wish i was there to meet tony and ask why burnside never saw any money after being used in his video game.
and…what is the disappointing story?
i rode with Hawk at Newberg about 10 years ago. I thought he was going to be a dick. Everyone stopped skating to watch him. I just kept skating with him. He was the raddest dude. He should give some money to Burnside though.