Random Reader Nephews
Kevin Cann sent in some pictures of his nephew Tristan Rennie who came up from California to skate with his uncle in Quebec. Check him out in some spots in and around Notre Dame de L’ile Perrot, including Kevin’s back yard.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on July 31st, 2012
Categories: Canada, Skate
Tags: L’ile Perrot, Quebec
Kevin Cann sent in some pictures of his nephew Tristan Rennie who came up from California to skate with his uncle in Quebec. Check him out in some spots in and around Notre Dame de L’ile Perrot, including Kevin’s back yard.
the fire grind over the death box was epic. Tristan showed me new lines in my pool i never thought of, what can i say he grew up skating backyard pool in the badlands.ssc
you mean backyard ” made to skate pools”. welcome to the most spoiled generation ever…SWOOSH!