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Hey, it’s Pierre Luc Gagnon at the X games in Los Angeles back in June. He won. I guess you should go buy some Monster Energy drink. Tune in next month for this month’s Street League results.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on July 16th, 2012
Categories: Contests, Extreme!!!, Skate
Tags: Extreme!, Vert, X Games
Hey, it’s Pierre Luc Gagnon at the X games in Los Angeles back in June. He won. I guess you should go buy some Monster Energy drink. Tune in next month for this month’s Street League results.
PLG lame you can do better than that pussy-stache.
I feel like I need to go buy a rally car too. All this cross promotion is confusing me. Wait, the what games were on what?
Hey, what happened to the annual xgames disposable park rantoff?
I forgot to set the alarm.