Bee Radical

Vodaphone bus stop advert with bees on a mini ramp was spotted while site seeing in the UK, by a Yank no less. UK readers, where’s the love? – Thanks to Adam Wallingford for the pics.

SOTW 7-9-12: Josh Dorsey

This weeks Shot of the Week is another one from Micah Breshears, this time it’s Josh Dorsey at the Albany, Oregon skatepark.

Board Rescue

Here’s a short promo for Board Rescue, an organization that we’ve featured here before. so here’s a refresher. Board Rescue, a 501(c)(3) non profit company has been in operation since 2008. Their mission is to provide skateboards and safety equipment to organizations that work with underprivileged and or at-risk youth throughout the United States. Board […]

Stop Stair-ing

Before everyone get’s their panties in a bunch, this was purely a design exercise and not a product meant to be sold to the general public. It’s kind of a fascinating train wreck to watch. It looks like a successful design of a skateboard you can ride down stairs, at least in a less jarring […]