For fans only

So there’s a DIY article about making a ceiling fan out of skateboards. Nothing really to it besides, you know, drilling holes in skateboards and replacing existing blades. Seems like it would be awfully heavy. It’s not a new concept actually. There have been commercially available skateboard fans for a few years. So long that […]

Free advertising

I get emails all the time from companies trying to extol the virtues of featuring their ads as editorial content. Sometimes they’re just fishing, sometimes there are actual cash rewards implied, usually from car companies or the like. Sometimes I find myself on the recipient list for PR that I’m pretty sure I never signed […]

Drobo extreme steampunk

Spotted on the Drobo web site. A precocious little futre businessman with rocket powered wings and a skateboard. Be careful kid, or you’ll end up as a stock photo. Uncluttered version after the jump.

Skate Jawn

Skate Jawn has good photography and a nice clean layout, plus interviews with people I don’t know. There’s even an interview with Todd Falcon and they don’t make fun of him. They hit me up to advertise, so I checked it out. You should too.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus on a skateboard, sort of. Even if her boyfriend wasn’t carrying his Penny board, he’d still look like a douche. She’s no poser… two days in a row even. [Source: US Weekly] – Thanks to Mrs Kilwag for the tip.

SOTW 7-16-12: Kevin Solomon

This week’s Shot of the Week is from Elias Parise. It features Kevin Solomon at a Portland DIY spot. Take a moment to gather your complaints about the fact that I’ve posted it here. Take your time though, really gather your bile. Thanks Elias. I am enjoying the summer. My only complaint is that seems […]

Random press photo

Hey, it’s Pierre Luc Gagnon at the X games in Los Angeles back in June. He won. I guess you should go buy some Monster Energy drink. Tune in next month for this month’s Street League results.

Friday T&A on S&A: Candy Grip

From the promo shot above you might guess that Candy Grip is the name of an adult film star, but it’s the name of a color changing grip tape product trying to get funded through Kickstarter. It’s not temperature sensitive, but dependent on the angle of the light hitting it in relation to the viewer, […]