Free advertising
I get emails all the time from companies trying to extol the virtues of featuring their ads as editorial content. Sometimes they’re just fishing, sometimes there are actual cash rewards implied, usually from car companies or the like. Sometimes I find myself on the recipient list for PR that I’m pretty sure I never signed up for, as was the case with an announcement for this new Osiris commercial. I’m not sure why I clicked through on this one, but I was pleasantly surprised. This is a good advert, just wait for the punchline. Osiris Shoes “This never gets old” after the jump. I wear a size 13 (in uh, Vans) by the way…
nice save!
Hah, good one. Nice Prodigy rendition. Music got me into more of an 8o8 State though…
Yup. Saw it coming. But yea, dig it.
I did not see that coming. It went from “whatever” to “Ok that’s a good message for me”. I’m not heading out for new shoes or anything…
Rap is the shame of the black man. Hit me with blues, reggae, some soul music, but not this tired ass rap shit.