SOTW 5-28-12: Brooklyn Street Plural
It’s too bad these aren’t old timer stereogram pics. Of course then you’d need a viewer, and the subject matter would look more like this. This week’s shot(s) of the week were poached from Daniel Evans Instagram feed on two separate occasions (one and two). I wish you could enlarge a photo on the Instagram feed on your phone for crying out loud. Getting back to the subject matter, expansion is in the works at Brooklyn Street Skate Spot, this time fully permitted before the fact. In the background of the first shot you can see a tangentially related neighborhood beautification project in the form of a street painting. Although not part of BSSS, it was the vibrant community of BSSS that drew the non-skating artists to the spot.
Huge thanks to Colin for getting this thing started, and for everyone who’s chipped in, helped, and kept it going.
Probably my favorite spot right now, and that reminds me, I owe you guys some labor. Really good use of space. Keep it up.
more small mellow tranny?
glad to see these guys getting more going there… i helped out on the first major build and left before the first addition. so rad! colin and jessie and bryce made it all happen.