SOTW 4-30-12:
This week’s photo is from Gage Thompson and features an unknown skater at the Wedge skatepark in Scottsdale, AZ. It reminds me a little of one of those where is Waldo poster (or Chin) or 80’s video games with the isometric backgrounds. Zaxxon anyone? The focal point of the skateboarding action is on the stairs, obviously. I looked at this photo several times before I noticed there was a purpose-built skatepark back in the corner. The art looks more fun than the park.
Buncha poachers
11 skateboarders and four documenters in one photograph (counting the guy who took the picture).
That stair ledge was super hot right around 2001.
The Wedge has been around in Scottsdale since the seventies (back then it was just a single bank under the bridge). Then they built a “real” skatepark there in the early nineties, and fixed the park up alot. Pretty primitive compared to the skateparks we have now, but fun. AZ has some sic locals there too… Checkout AZPX.com for more!!!
The Wedge was one of the go-to spots for us ’80s groms. And yeah, the natural terrain is more compelling than this sorry excuse for a skatepark. That skatepark is not unlike Pier 1.0 though lacking Pier 1.0’s cool story of the National Guard volunteering their time and energy to give kids something.