Sponsor Luv: Deadbolt Pads
Skate and Annoy welcomes Deadbolt Pads to the site. You might have noticed their banner ads for a while now. I couldn’t get any information out them other than a picture of Duane Peters, who recently joined the team. I do know firsthand that these pads have been in the works for many years and have gone through several design revisions. I don’t have a set myself, but I’ve seen some of the prototypes. One thing that I immediately noticed was the beefy cap and the fact that the knee gasket is built into the pads already. There’s three kind of foam and some sort air chamber built into it, and well, check out the web site for more info. Oh yeah, Made in the USA!
I know the maker of these. I have given him boards. He is a goodman. I would love to test these out.
Man, the marketing manager needs to get his shit together.
What a dumb name! Why isn’t there a pic of DP rolling in the deep of a pool or something other than flippin me off. The pads may rock but a Deadbolt is something on my front door.
It seems like the deadbolt name has been done to death in the skateboard industry. I can think of at least 2 other products bearing the name.
Those are so thick around the knee that I’m wondering if you can even bend your knees in these? And I saw a pic of Duane skating last week. He was wearing Smith Scabs.
Paincheaters. Kevin Day.
I love my Paincheaters.
They are constantly changing their design so I would wait another half year until they have made their mind up (Snap buckles, Velcro, leather reinforcement…). Also, their sizes are(were?) enormous. Once on your knees it feels kind of like having helmets for kids strapped on to your knees. Big and bulky but the cushioning is excellent…
Shawn Reinhart wears ’em. He travels ’round yer parts doesn’t he? Ask him what he thinks of ’em. The Deadbolt primaries are a good group o’ dudes.
Deadbolt is still a lame name.
Yeah what happened to those trucks with the allen kingpin?
I have a pair, almost NOS. Don’t want them really.
Craig johnson seem to ride pretty good with big pads.Give the kid a chance.
I wear 187’s, and they are bulky enough as it is, these look ridiculous… I’m guessing they would feel weird and might get in the way of a few grabs.