SOTW 2-13-12: Tyler Martin
This week’s Shot of the Week is a Mike Goetz photo of Tyler Martin skating the DOS bowl. OK. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Here goes. The DOS bowl is now a members only collective with a limited roster. What? Oh the other elephant. This was a make.
I assumed it was a make, but did he crack that tail or roll straight down?
I’m guessing no tail contact…
cool shot
He makes it.
Tyler is a beast.
Tyler RIPS. His dad does too!
I don’t see any elephants.
Cool trick, but poorly shot photo. Sorry to be a dick, but the lighting and framing in that photo are terrible!
Then dont be a dick. Killer shot.
pdxskate- your a hater-sh!tbag. Your intelligence resembles that of gnat. Obviously, you need to shut your piehole your baby rattle down and pick up a camera yourself.
Next time try this…”Nice shot” ;+)
I dig the framing and the lighting and the timing. It could have been aligned right, but so what? Like a priceless 500 year old Japanese clay tea pot, or a really bad punk band, sometimes things are better when they aren’t perfect.
It’s a tough spot to get good shots.
I don’t think it’s that tough to get a good photo at the DEPT bowl. Why has Jon Humphries, Bryce Kanights and Garric Ray all shot good photos there then? I just saw a rad doubles photos of Johnny Turgerson and Frank Faria in the new Lowcard at the DEPT Bowl. I’m not sure who shot the photo though?But regardless this ‘Shot of the Week’ isn’t shot very well.
Who the fuk are you GetShrunk???
Are you a professional content editor at a major magazine?
Are you a photography instructor with years of experience shooting actions sports specifically skate?
Please tell us all you fukin knowitall how YOU would shoot this frame?
Is this about photography or fucking skating?… you guys suck balzzzzz.
Yeah, be dicks. Be Bill’s, be Bob’s, be dikes, be dinks. Be what ever you want. Be a bunch of non skating, I comment about nothing on skate and annoy. You want to know about skating? Well if you didn’t make it out this weekend you suck. I’ll tell ya Saturday the sesh was on at Gabriel and then on Sunday, Tigard. The kids there are steppin it up big time. Madonna’s 4 feet out on the big Quarter with a sweet landing still in the Vert. I told you guys to get out and SKATE. It was a GREAT PHUcking weekend to skate. Enjoy your RAIN.
Your All queers. cool photo cool trick cool skater
Yellow tile + bad lighting = blah blah blah blah
Damnit, where’s Ansel Adams when we need him?! Where’s Humphries? Where’s Welsh Pete?
Fucking christ, guys… The photo shows the full extension of the trick (which is fucking ill!), Tyler’s body is clearly above the coping, and his clothing is contrasted by the color of the wall behind him.
Aside from some framing issues (perhaps Mike could’ve used a lower angle), it’s a good photo of a ripping skateboarder taken by somebody who clearly has a passion for the lens. Good work Mike, and despite these Monday Morning Keyboarders, it’s an excellent effort. Take the criticism to heart, and ignore the snarking.
Good work, great skating, thanks for the stoke…
Ansel Adams was a kook.
maybe it is your screen resolution. you get what you pay for.
Jeebus Christ! It’s a phone cam snap with available lighting. Deal with it!
That’s not a cell phone picture- clearly Mike shot that photo with a couple flashes (just look at the deck behind the skater). That’s a really cool trick, but hate to say it- that’s a bad photo. The bowl looks like it’s four feet deep, his white balance is way off (that’s why the photo is really yellow) and those flat bars in the background aren’t helping that photo out much either. But in all honesty, sometimes a bit of criticism is helpful for the photographer. Again, that’s an awesome trick by Tyler, but that photo doesn’t give that trick any justice.
Yeah..just after I posted that, I saw that lighting on the deck.Color balance is off because it’s an Instagram shot, intentionally made to look like old film stock prints.
But seriously folks. SOTW is filled with some really good shots, as well as a lot that are clearly not prime time material. More often than not, it’s just something that catches my eye or somehow involves a personality that I like. I’m with Fitz on this. Tyler is rad, he’s way up there in that photo, and I wanted to post it.
All those who think this photo sucks, move to Suddern California, quick. They will understand you.
Agreed-Tyler is RAD
The shot is rad, Tyler and his dad both rip.Kilwag keep posting the cool shots regardless of color content thanks.
Good shot..Tyler rips.. Is this skateboarding? Why dont all of you go to commonwealth and stand around with a beer and talk about this photo…artfags..
You’ll dance to anything…
lol Yes
There are alot more folks talking crap about this picture than the one of the Mexican-looking kid just HOLDING the green board that was SOTW a while back…Huh?! Skaterboarders (me included) can be a prissy bunch sometimes. This current SOTW is bad-ass. Skater, trick and shot.
Tyler is rad, and what he’s doing in this pic is rad.
Yeah when all else fails hate on California… cuz it’s dry and I get to skate 365 days a year. You fucking moldy old bowl trolls. Most photos suck, get used to it the future is going to be 99% suck, and its probably because of California. Really though, we know that you critics can’t shoot a photo or blast an air like that.
I like California itself fine… it’s the craven ex-brats, from San this or that, proselytizing like they have a clue, that I had in mind.
In other words, don’t have a problem with the pasture, just the sheep, sheep.
if you can shoot a better photo. shoot it. if you can do a better judo. do it. seems like a lot of wasted time on the internet over the quality of something that won’t really matter in 10 years to anyone except Tyler. (and before you give ME shit for wasting time, it’s 10:15 am and I am hurt)