Hoverboards for sale, pending adequate preorders
MattyCollector.com reports that Mattel is going to release a hoverboard of sorts… Details are slim. It apparently “glides over most surfaces,” whatever that means. So is it just a slippery board or does it have wheels hidden inside it that aren’t visible from the top
Finally! This totally awesome 1:1 replica of the hover board from the BTTF 2 and BTTF 3 films includes multiple whooshing sounds and will glide over most surfaces (does not actually “hover” – check back in 2015 for that feature). We’ll be taking orders for it March 1 – March 20, 2012, and the final product will be shipped around November/December 2012. Because this is such a high-cost item, there will be a minimum number of orders required to go into production. If we don’t receive the minimum orders, won’t go into production and customers will not be charged. The price will be announced later this month. (Note: Hover board does not work on water.)
Also, what’s up with the name Matty Collector? It’s Mattel’s weak attempt at branding a web site aimed at adult collectors. Really? That’s what you came up with. Horrible web site on top of that. Poorly organized. Meh… Photo is from the New York Toy Fair display as seen on ToyArk.com.
[Source: KSL.com] – Thanks to Brian Baade for the tip.
Im guessing teflon pads on the bottom ala “magic glides” you see on late night TV.
Is that a foot strap on for the back foot? So I’m suppose to push my hover board mongo? The future sucks.
Marty pushes it normal in pt.II but in another scene, he has to use the footstrap to get out of the car. If I recall it correctly, it’s the runaway train-scene in pt.III.
Bonus points and a no-prize for another movie title in here (this is too easy…)
Matty needs to make like a tree and get outta here.
You beat me to it!
hey thats pretty good, and if it was still 26 years ago people might actually want one and make mattel a killing!
If this was available when the movie came out I might never have bought that awful Valterra.
I want a real hoverboard before I died.
Opps that should read, before i die. (not died)
Check out Japanese hoverboard sites
Ok look guys im only 11 but i wanna make a REAL hoverboard out of a skate board and a few fans so yea
its about time, I dont understand what the hold up was.
26yrs laters, very slow