The Smith’s energy is quite jocular.
Sport sails allow you to use a shorter board on downhill runs so you don’t, you know, look like a kook. Title quote comes from about 2:40. It was either that or “I’d love to see this in the Olympics.”
– Thanks to Ashley Mott for the tip.
I f the embed disn’t working you can watch it over at Time.
WTF? is this a patagonia ad? This is why i love Oregon…keep you lame asses in Cali. kooks!
Lolz. Their energy IS quite jocular. Hey, someone should make a flying squirrel suit for the megaramp.
I can not believe someone devoted Time to this interview. I have been working on some velvet re-usable Toilet Paper. Maybe they want to talk to me,that is if I have the Time. The Toilet paper is so green. Not in color, that would be gross actuley the color is brown for obvious reasons. Sighned The Inventor of sh!Z.
You know what would be awsome? Something to slow us down. I think my grandpa has some rusty bearings. Maybe it was a media prank.
These are the kind of doofuses that spoil it for a lot of other people. They look like they don’t have any connection with the DH/longboarding community at all.
Tairble style. And it’s not the basic idea, it’s the execution that makes it so dorky. It’s actually possible to not have dorky style with a flying squirrel type rig, but the parachute type rig makes these goobs point their forearms up, in a way that just screams for a soundtrack of Python-esque squeals.
And, of course, the “basic idea” of negating speed is only un-dorky when, say, you’d otherwise go into a blind curve simply too fast to be able to turn tight enough to stay in your lane, on a two lane mountain highway.
Its the fucking exact opposite of what down hilling should be! You bomb a hills to be terrified! When I was a lil one we only had hills to get a rush going so this just bums me out a bit.
And why can’t these people learn a basic slide?
No wonder people think longboarders are kooks. These guys make me feel ashamed of riding a skateboard with a long wheel base.
We sometimes see these guys on downhill runs in SoCal. It’s always fun to blow by them going 25mph faster.
….yes, lets all go SLOWER.
fukking tards.
I think that’s the cover of Concrete Wave next month…..
Real skaters bomb walls – Great Walls:
Old man!
No that’s over here,they carry a few longboards!
They missed the part where a line of traffic is behind them crawling along at 10 mph, horns blaring. Meanwhile a jogger passes them.
a rainbow of nations entering the opening ceremonies this way would be hilarious. The last one down the hill wins?
Now these guys had reason to use ’em,also with tailwind.
About 1:30 – 1:40..:
“It’s a Sporting Sail. Billy and Nick designed the device . . . .” “After dusting off an old box and testing the sails on the slopes, Nick had a thought: This is a blast, it’s slowing us down, it would be great on a skateboard.”
TIL dusting off an old “Ski Klipper” box from the 1960’s = designing a new product.
Just buy shittier bearings and wheels if you want to go slower.
Men’s synchronized swimming.
as a youth we used our t-shirts pulled up over our heads as sails to harness the Columbia’s winds to go faster