American Council on Education and the Lumina Foundation got together to start an ad campaign to get kids prepped for college via something called KnowHow2Go. Enter “Chelsea” who knows “Learning how to kickflip takes hard work. So does getting into college.” Looks like a recipe for lameness, except Chelsea has skills. and is legit. Nice job Chelsea.
– Thanks to Billy Duong for the tip.
Lamest part is the bad photoshop job that puts her so close to the ground in mid flip when she’s actually up above the stairs at that point.
Go get ’em, Chelsea.
Obviously she is kickflipping out of a firecracker down the stairs.
I was the location scout and manager on that PSA. Chelsea was a cool kid and she did everything you see in the commercial. Wow I’ve contributed to Skate&Annoy two times in two weeks. Way cool!
I graduated college, but still can’t ge the kickflips! Doh!