Been sick…
I’ve been sick all week, which is why MC’s comics are piling up. But I’m back. Here’s something else I’m sick of. It’s some random Steven Reeves footage. I’m sick of his general good-nature, well rounded skateboarding and lack of attitude. A nice guy with skills. what a jerk, right? Footage came from some one at Skate One so you’d think it would be a Bones Wheels promo but there’s no branding or anything. It’s literally old footage. Enjoy, and expect regular broadcasting to resume on Monday.
steve reeves is the man
I like the videos he makes, and he skates well enough in them, but this makes it look like he’s as good an all-around skater as it gets.
At least when it comes to padless skating, anyway… which I find more pleasant to watch… and your choice on that is only as responsible as you are, anyway. I prefer to see the yoof (except for maybe the very yoofy) learning every day to take responsibility for their actions, by skating “unprotected”; they don’t cry about the bumps and bruises along the way, and they learn how to maintain. (And how to fall responsibly, which a lot of wrist breaking padded types don’t so much.)
old bald guys with basic skills are jealous
i have to agree there are far too many young blokes with good attitudes who rip everything out there right now. where’s the hate these days? it gives us old bastards nothing to grumble about.
You’ll just have to try harder. There’s plenty to dislike out there. Dig deep!
(Get well soon !)
Hope you’re feelin’ better Kilwag. Relax… we’ll find skatertainment while you’re chillin’.
I guess the trendy thing to say is: welcome back!