Burnside: It’s for the kids, man.
Like the flyer says, bring your kids to Burnside next week(!) for lessons in skateboarding and etiquette (See potty mouth prevention.) What about a litter seminar? A little birdy told me Burnside finally has 501(c)(3) status.
Well, it’s good to see that the spell check feature in photoshop went to good use.
Wow, that’s cool. Things like maintain the goodwill that ensures Burnsides future. And a fund raiser too!
Potty Mouth Prevention- awesome! is that only for kidz?
This is awesome! I wish there were more things like this happening all over. The younger generation has no courtesy when it comes to skating. I watch friends snaking each other left and right at our local park. I hope this goes well out there.
Question- do I pay Q man or Osage in beer or weed for this? Also, are the little kids actually going to clean the park? In all honesty, the idea of little kids cleaning that park (especially the bowl) almost seems like punishment.