I think it’s German for “rad street plaza.” Probably not. I swear I had this on S&A already but cant’s find it via search, and it’s not tagged so my apologies if this is a repeat. Free t-shirt to whoever finds it elsewhere on this site. There you go, a contest. Innsbruck, Austria is the location, the former site of some Nazi era government buildings and French occupiers (after the war) who erected some sort of monument to Austrian freedom. If that sounds awkward, it’s more than likely because I gleaned it from a less than smooth machine translation of a German language article in Die Presse. One thing that didn’t need much translation:
And the Liberation Monument? It did not take much longer than the lattice doors open and slide the waves gently on his concrete steps to make it to the foreign body as an integral part of public space. At night it is, as the parade ground in front of the cottage, dimly lit. As part of the space to city residents, especially the younger ones, who have discovered a skater’s paradise. Are conflicts among users, it hardly because all feel that something was given to them that they must share: a precision-designed urban spaces outside commercial interests, without a doubt the nicest place in town.
Nicest place in town! Architects are LAAC in cahoots with a bunch of other people. You can read about it on Landzine. Photos by Günter Richard Wett.
– Thanks to Josh Fisher for the tip.
I don’t think you posted it before,or I would have remembered it.
Read the whole german article. The machine translation is pretty OK. I couldn’t have said it better! The Landezine link covers most of it in english.
The place looks toll!
A skater had to have infiltrated to make that happen! Damn kids today, even the non-skatepark spots are unreal.
Looks sweet, can’t not want to skate it.