Rad Dad

No pads? Rad Dad: Dispatches from the frontiers of fatherhood is a book by Tom Moniz, published by Microcosm Publishing. It’s excerpts of his zine of the same name and another called Daddy Dialectic “two kindred publications that have explored parenting as political territory.” Yowza. Sounds a lot heavier than the other alternadad literature like Punk Rock Dad, which is a good read by Pennywise front man Jim Lindberg. There’s a lot of that going around lately. It seems adults these days are staying young until they die. It’s come up on NPR I believe, 80’s punks and 90’s Gen X-ers are having kids, raising them and refusing to be stuffy about it. Jim’s book was published in 2007. I read it around the same time I had my first kid, and enjoyed it. Right about now The Other F-Word is slowly opening around the US. It’s a documentary based on the same subject matter as the book. Skateboard connection too. According to NPR, Tony Hawk is one of the subjects.

– Thanks to the original Punk Rock dad MC for the tip.


4 thoughts on “Rad Dad

  1. The cover art is a work by Nikki McClure, who works with a single piece of black construction paper cut to shape. On the print, the background is pink and the caption reads “Ditch the car.” Here’s a link to a print…


  2. This looks awesome.

    I need to say I am a sell out Pad Dad.

    I don’t wear a helmet on the bike or snowboard, and the kids must wear helmets and knee pads to skate.

    I told both of them when they have their own insurance and are paying the deducible of the ER visits they can decide to wear that stuff or not. (Such a Dad thing to say)

    & Why hasn’t The Other F-Word scheduled a screening in Portland? T

    his town is loaded with F-Word Rad Dads.

    Stepping of my soap box now….

  3. corncobcock on November 9, 2011 - Reply

    national metal day is 11/11/11. Got that Nukes?

    1. francisco on November 9, 2011 - Reply

      I thought 11/11/11 was This is Spinal Tap Day?

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