Not for Phlebotomists only

A phlebotomist is someone who draws blood. Grover is a phlebotomist, but he’s not in the Lifeblood video. He might be thanked in the credits though. Watch the Lifeblood video We Must Bleed after the jump. It’s 33 minutes, so grab your snacks and hold your calls.

[Source: Skatedaily.]


6 thoughts on “Not for Phlebotomists only

  1. That kid Kevin at the end is a killer. Those loops were so casual. Rest of the guys have skills too. Good video.

  2. the double truck ceiling bonk in the you tube still above, gnar.
    minneapolis private bowl scene representing.

  3. What’s the deal with no major coverage on this? I know thrasher and bacon had issues but why with lifeblood? They need to at least put up some parts on you tube to get it out there-

  4. Politics man, politics.

    1. Butthurt for BMX on December 3, 2011 - Reply

      Not endorsed by Thrasher=Worth My Time.

      Phelps ruined that magazine. Fuck that guy. There’s better mags, better scenes, and better things to cover. Thrasher is not the last word. Not by a long shot.

      1. Butthurt for BMX on December 4, 2011 - Reply

        This comes off as a bit harsh. I’ve never even met the dude. But I do wish there was less silly politics in skating, and I wish Thrasher was a bit less divisive.

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