Bad updates of bad classics
Sure they are crappy, but they are so bad that they’re… still bad. Even more so now that they’ve seen an updated, craptacular re-imagining of the graphic. As if there there is a pent up, unrealized nostalgia for the worst boards any given skater has ever owned at any point in their skateboarding life. Blind’s Danny Way Nuke Baby was a brilliant, but these are just as bad, if not worse than the original, especially the most famous of all bad 80’s Nash boards, the Executioner. They did have some cool graphics in the 60’s. It’s ironic that they haven’t tried to cash in on those graphics, even more so because they apparently own the Hobie name. Way to massively miss any sort of reissue connection. Oh well, all the better for someone else. I can’t recall if there was ever a Nash “Blaster” model, but I included it anyway because it’s a confusing mix of 70’s imagery on an 80’s shape that came out some time in the… dammit! What the hell are we calling this decade? The tens? Crap. Nash makes skateboards again. I guess they finally recovered from the fire.
some idiot at the local park was riding and destroying a g&S pinapple board signed by dennis…this idot was saying how he put nash xl r whatever trucks on it and how awesome nash was what a doosh
Steal his board and run,dammit! (No,I woul’dn’t have the guts either).
Yes they look crap. Does the “Crapballero” even have mounting hardware? Looks like a bad photoshop.
I was thinking the same thing,Kilwag. I was going to say we live in the ‘tenners’. But to me a tenner is a banknote or dollar/pound bill.Whatever. The tennies then?
eal his board and run,dammit! (No,I woul
Seeing these takes me back to “Son, save your allowance, I’m not buying one of those damned things”. This took about 6-8 months of washing cars & scrubbing whitewall tires. Followed by, “Well if you fall and hurt yourself, that’s the end of it”. The Nash graphics were bad, the ride was awful, trucks were heavy (most likely made of lead) and the grip tape peeled off like bark on a maple tree. No camber on the tail either.
So much pain.
80+ dollars for that fucking piece of shit? LOLOLOLOL!
thats what she said
You’re mom bought a Nash?
she has been known to buy a few.
Nash, schmash… that blaster deck looks SICK!
Regarding the guy destroying the signed G&S deck I saw a late teens early twenties dude skating a signed and numbered Hackett deck, I think it was a Deathbox. When I asked him about it he said he didn’t know who the guy was he just wanted a big deck to skate. I have to say I couldn’t really argue with that logic.
Kid’s got a point there and if the deck is numbered it means it’s new (as in: probably from the last 5 or 10 years) and signed in series,which means I don’t care really.
zach friendly’s working on his nash sponsor me vid.
Remember those little bulldozer boards that fit in your locker, but were way too small to ride?
Actually, the Dozers aren’t too small to ride… just too small to drop in on (unless you’re kid sized or don’t mind hanging three [+ half a heel]). But I’m sixsix and can (could?) grind a 6′ mini on one, if I work up to it. But even with good trucks and spf’s, they do tend to be death machines, even in the hands of talented, shorter skaters, if you don’t redrill and put the front truck a little farther forward. (It took two “deaths” of acquaintences before I figured that out.)
Ugh. My first board was a Nash Nightmare which I destroyed learning how to ollie on. Luckily, my parents finally bought me a real board (Gator) later that year for my birthday.
I know a lot of us had a Nash because it was a much cheaper alternative than buying a pro deck set up back then (i think a Nash complete was like $30 or something).
It is pretty easy for a parent to buy a kid a cheap board these days with low price set ups, ebay, or craigslist being around. That being said, these hunks of junk are totally unnecessary. The graphics are terrible and I am sure they are just as slow and shitty as they were in 1985.
The blaster existed came out 1987 I have one. Picture is sweet still today.