A happy medium and a fan reaction
I had never heard of this guy Jeff Stevens before, but I dig this video part. I had to do a little bit of investigating to find out where it was from since the (soon to be removed) clip on Youtube doesn’t give any information other than his name. The soundtrack piqued my interest though, and a search for “Jeff Stevens” and “skateboard” turned up a couple videos from the “A Happy Medium” series. The trailer didn’t have any of the same footage, but I also found a video of a fan reaction to Jeff Steven’s part so I gave it watch to see if I could hear the soundtrack. Mystery solved. It’s from the recently released A Happy Medium 2. The fan reaction video is pretty funny in and of itself. All we need now is for some enterprising person without a lot of pressing engagements to put together a splitscreen version that will be easier to watch than this. Watch ’em all after the jump.
– Thanks to Sarib Khalsa for the tip.
Jeff Stevens in A Happy Medium 2
Fan Reaction
Official Trailer
It’s always fun to see people having fun with skating. Some people just take it so seriously!
Amazing shit. Reminds me of Tim Jackson. Or maybe Ritchie
I agree on the Richie Jackson comparison. Really dig it. It’s all about fun, and this kid definitely has board control!
Reminds me of this weirdness
Wow! Can’t get much weirder than that Beez Video.
Gou Miyagi still has one of the best “weird” parts, along with all the talk of him using carpet for grip tape. Viva la weirdos!
I went to a premier of happy medium at the university of utah. Jeffs part was like a tornado of no complys. preetty amazing!!
Here ya go.. http://youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3Dp495FZrDGnU%23%21&start1=&video2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3DSqW8Oed1_Ig&start2=&authorName=…
That whole video is SICK.
It’s an awesome dvd, everyone should buy it. It has so much soul and feel to it, it makes you feel good in a way almost no other skate dvd can…
I will no longer watch You Tube. I will make my own documentation and back it with my own music. Take that media conglomerates!
0:36 into the ‘A Happy Medium 2’ Promo. Damn.