I envision a post apocalyptic future where gangs of longboarders maraud the outskirts of a dying civilization, raiding the unprepared and the weak, pillaging and plundering for the only currency left from the the modern world’s halcyon days, the recycled skateboard. Seriously, soon enough broken boards are going to become almost as valuable as a new board. Shwood makes sunglasses out of old skatebaords, something we’ve recently seen before, but this incarnation is constructed in a different manner. Shwood is out in the burbs of Portland, and fittingly, local filmer/photog Joe Stevens put together a video that shows the skateboard pre-demise, post-reincarnation and everything in between.
Cool idea. I could never bring myself to spend more than $14.99 for a pair of shit wayfarers though. They always break or I lose them.