Product placement
Near I can tell, this video is like a DVD extras talking about Bones Wheels footage shot in Florida. Idon’t know if the actual Bones footage as seen the light of day yet, but check out that product placement on Seth Levy. South Florida Pool Invasion from Drew Perlmutter after the jump.
Thanks for posting this! Some footage was used for a ‘Mo-Mondays’ on the Bones Wheels website (http://boneswheels.com/blog/2011/05/23/mo-mondays-circus-bowl/), other than that its being saved for a little web content and a full length video sometime in the future.
for my money, you can’t talk about Seth without talking about how he feels about crappy steel ramps:
Chad, I am sure its just a coincidence of course, but soon after that video was posted the design for the new park was made, and now look what is there instead of that crap heap: http://www.nyskateboarding.com/2011/07/rockaway-beach-skate-park-update-2-2011/
Shit is either stainless or galvanised over here. Downside is the same useless miniramps are still standing,some for 20 years now.
I could find all those bowls I would make Kowalski show GVK. I have the power of a subaru van in my corner.