Portland Downhill Challenge
Mount Tabor hill in Portland is a popular downhill spot. It’s closed to auto traffic and pretty mellow on conventional once you’ve taken your first run. It’s open to foot traffic as well, but on Wednesdays it’s supposed to be specifically open for high speed travel, be it bikes or skateboards. It’s also the sight of the annual Adult Soapbox Derby, an event that doesn’t use the actual purpose-built soapbox derby track adjacent to the main downhill course. There’s a bit of a debate about off leash dogs. Portland is simultaneously progressive and very uptight at the same time. There have been some “outlaw” races on the hill, but this Saturday is supposedly the first sanctioned and permitted downhill race on Mt Tabor. The Portland Downhill Challenge will feature giant slalom and old school downhill. By “old school downhill” we’re talking late 70’s style with your feet placed almost side by side. Sounds like fun. That’s on Sunday, and the day before the promoters are sponsoring the second annual Portland Skate Scavenger Hunt.
Thanks for posting this up!
Mt. Tabor Race is Sunday and Skate Skavenger Hunt is Saturday.
Any guys from this website/forum planning on attending either event?