Dipshit accidentally kills pedestrian, sets skateboarding back 50 years.
The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports:
CAPITOLA – A 17-year-old boy riding a skateboard downhill Tuesday hit an 83-year-old woman crossing the street. The Capitola woman later died in a San Jose hospital, authorities said.
Apparently the kid saw the lady at the last minute and tried to avoid her, but that’s not good enough is it? No charges filed as of yet.
[source: LA Weekly] – Thanks to… everyone for the tip.
Poor lady, live all those years and get taken out by a
flying douche. Sad.
Am I missing something with this hostility towards the skater? From the article it looks like this was an unfortunate and tragic accident. He was just bombing a hill. Who hasn’t hit a pedestrian with their skateboard (or themselves) at some point in their skateboarding lives? It seriously sucks that this woman was killed (and remember he has to live with what he’s done), but this is something we all do all the time (not kill old ladies, but bomb hills). Maybe the article said it was a longboarder and I missed that part? Then I’d agree he was a douche, asshole, and a dipshit, because hey, that pretty much sums up the average longboarder! I don’t know, maybe we should all quit bombing hills and confine ourselves to skateparks to keep the world safe for the nonskaters…
i wonder what sort of laws are gonna get set in motion by this tragedy.
i also wonder how many pedestrians got hit by cars, trucks, and spandex clad doofuses on road bikes but received no media coverage that same day.
Uh…And exactly what is wrong with being a “longboarder?” (And, for that matter, spandex?)
Ha! Sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood with the longboarder jab. However, there is no defense for spandex!!
Who farted?
It sucks that homegirl died; but look both ways before you cross the street.
I bomb that hill everyday to get home from surfin or the skatepark and I know for a fact it was not a longboarder and it was a tragic accident the grom was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he did all he could to avoid the situation and stayed to provide any care he could. I am a life long resident in capitola and have experienced first hand how fast the city police and city board are to point the finger at skateboarders. why do think we dont have a skatepark or a downhill contest anymore. I know police everywhere hate skateboarders but the bottom line is hes not a dipshit and had to experience one of the worst things possible while doing something he loved.
…he did everything but skate within his limits and the limits of the situation.
Look both ways before crossing? Seriously? That’s your best answer? If you’re on any type of wheeled vehicle, you’re required to stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk. The cars stopped to let her cross, if that kid couldn’t handle not running in to people in a crowded area he shouldn’t have been going so fast.
To his credit though, he did stick around and try to help the lady, but ultimately his insanely poor judgement killed someone.
Since when is calling someone a douche such a horrible
thing anyway? If I was really hating on the kid I would
refer to him as a “fucking asshole”, not a douche. If you
do something that ends up killing someone, you might be
called an asshole. I don’t see a problem with that.