This is no dam relic. This spot somewhere in Canada has been sessioned for 30+ years and is allegedly still a go. I found this picture while trolling Facebook, and the owner coincidentally happened to be a reader.
– Thanks to MIlo for the pic.
Wow, Canadians really are polite. I don’t see a single spray painted penis.
Would love to skate that spot.
Hah, I was going to comment on the same thing!
“Why no graffiti? Is this on a military base behind razor wire?” “Is it occupied by the Nazis?”
Saw this in Geek Attack back in the day, so Greg Baller should be in the know.
Greg Baller is indeed in the know!!
Skated the Damn religously for years while I lived 35 minutes away from it!
It is the best natural terrain I ever stumbled upon.
And Milo is a ripper!!
Sick, eh?
Joey Pepper had a trick here @ :40 in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onTO58GLkis one of the best parts.
See :40. One of the best parts.
That’s a sick vid
Ah, Freezine. That’s right. Sorry, Greg. I need to go back through my zines and reintroduce some of my synaptic nerves. Aaron from Preparation S here.
2:51″ in that Popper YouTube is balls!