Real Ray Barbee Rag Doll
Neil doesn’t cover the international listings of eBay so I’m not stepping on his toes with this UK listing of a Ray Barbee soft sculpture doll made by some old birds at Powell to mimic his graphic. Allegedly owned by Sean Cliver at one time. What say you Sean?
– Thanks to Jon Haynes for the tip.
I think you might find this is an Australian auction and not a UK, best leave the Ebay stuff to Neil next time….
AU $1,500.00!!!!!!!
if you want to get technical, the seller lives in Australia, but it’s listed on the ebay.co.uk domain name., not the .au.
My dearest Kilwag; if you want to stay with the british theme here……………………Bollocks!!
The item is listed on every country’s ebay site,under international sellers except on dotcomdotau,where the item is domestic. It is located in Australia and listed everywhere in aussie dollars.
Btw,the doll looks like shit,and it’s not a screenprint,and it’s not on plywood.
As I said best leave the Ebay stuff to others in future
I selling you on eBay. Take that!
I put fake bid on your auction my friend
Um, that’s a rather lame rendition. Isn’t it?
Looks spot on to me. What do you mean?
Perhaps I’ve missed a version, but that doesn’t look like the graphic I know. I mean, I can clearly see the inspiration, but I think someone with the skills to make that could have done a much better job… Or perhaps I’m just an art snob.
Ok, actually reading the auction… I guess this could have theoretically come first and the graphic came after…
…You’re right: it doesn’t look like shit. I don’t want to decimate the work of what must have been a nice lady back then at PP. What annoys me however is another ebayer trying to cash in over the Powell name,on a novelty item. Notice he’s got two listed,with the exact same picture. I mean; a $1500 AU-bucks statring bid? C’mon mate!
I just don’t see it’s value for skate collectors. It’s a soft toy, not a deck…you can get an NOS Barbee ragdoll setup for way less. As a skater, i know which i would rather have on my wall.