Insult to injury
So maybe it wasn’t feasible to make the giant halfpipe shaped roof of the Museum of Surf actually skateable. There’s still the bowl, right? Surely that pool-like structure in the roof is a skateable tribute to the connection between the roots of skateboarding and surfing? Markus Suchanek recently visited it and found otherwise. Check out his photos after the jump. How is that this museum has no web site?
The french often aren’t on the clock but maybe the website opens together with the museum,on june 25th.
At least the sand wasn’t the architect’s fault,according to surfertoday dot com:
“Steven Holl has prepared a special surprise. In the southwestern corner of the plaza, he imagined an EMPTY concrete skater
This means war. We shall pave over their oceans!
Or we could dump a bunch of medical waste and crude oil in them! oh, wait…
Obviously something went wrong on execution.
I visited the museum while it was still under construction last year. The bowl was already finished then. Its natural slope is orientated in the wrong way – contary to the slope of the roof it is integrated in. That means the bottom of the deep-end is too high, that of the shalow-end to low. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. Ridiculous!
It’s as if the whole point of the building is to say f-you to skateboarding.
It would be like building an artificial reef that fires like Rincon, then building a jetty over the whole thing and putting a skate museum on it.