Midwest Uber Alles
I don’t usually post a lot of random product announcements unless it tickles my fancy. This one I’m featuring purely because I still love the midwest, even though I don’t really want to live there. If you’re a long time reader you’ll also know I’ve got an affinity for all things Surf Ohio/Cow Skates. Assault Skateboards just released a board for Ohioan Mark Heintzman that is more or less a re-issue of his old ketchup bottle graphic for G&S. Assorted Mark Heintzman video and photo paraphernalia after the jump.
– Thanks to Jeff Haynes for the tip.
From the G&S video titled “Footage” circa 1990.
Heinztman sticker found on eBay, dated at 1990.
The Assault deck. Notice that it’s drilled for two wheelbases. This photo was taken at Screaming Squeegees before the boards were boxed up.
What’s the scoop with Assault? According to Jeff:
Ned Hadden of San Marcos, CA is at the helm. Ned, originally from Vista and close friend of Matt Hensley, started Assault in or around 1989, moved to Dayton and was running Assault out of either Cow Skates or Surf Ohio (Jimmy George) at the same time that Chris “Sarge” Carter started Alien Workshop. Both companies were housed in Jimmy’s warehouse from what I understand. Early Assault team riders included Ned, John Drake (who soon after went pro for AWS), Scott Ricks, and Mike Chu. I have to clarify too that this is the original Assault Skateboards and is in no way shape or form connected with the company using the same name that sells boards via Zazzle (they also have a video on youtube). Ned’s decks are pressed and cut in SoCal and the graphics are screened by Chicken and the crew at Screaming Squeegees.
I tried to find a web link for Screaming Squeegees but all I could fins was one for Screaming Squeege which I don’t think is related. The (original) Screaming Squeegees guys do amazing work. I help out people and give advice as much as I can, but every time I start to think I’m hot shit with a squeegee and a skateboard I think of the work those guys do, and it’s very humbling.
Hassle Mark on MySpace! I know you’re thinking, yeah right, he probably hasn’t ben on MySpace in 5 years, but he logged in last month.
Lastly, a 1991 Mark Heintzman mini (Economy, actually) as seen here on the March 2010 edition of eBay Watch.
I gotta dig out my giant pants and bearing covers and set one of these up. Pressure flips any one?
One of my favorite boards ever. Insane concave and fat nose.
Quality! Thanks Kilwag! I don’t usually get too excited about stuff either but these decks are top notch. There’s an 8″ popsicle stick, the 8.5″ Pointer, and a 9″ by 33″ Ricky Winsor too, killer KREEP concave, good stuff.
Sold a ton of Heintzman decks at the local shop when the G&S stuff was hot.
That ASSAULT one looks like a sweet plank!!
that looks really nice, but the wheelbase is still kinda short for a deck that big.
at the risk of pissing u off a short wheelbase 360 flips so much easier…spins easier too..like toadays boards only w/ needed width for bigger guys
you are kidding me right? That deck is clearly aimed at the over 35 crowd. And we ain’t doing 360 flips.
Yeah “Who Cares Anyway” with your opinions! WE aint doin’ no 360 flips! Got it? Skating’s about bowls, beers, bud, babes, bros, AND freedom of expression. SOme of us choose to freely express ourselves on a deck without a teeny tiny wheel base. Stop tryin’ to take that away. Who the fuck do you think you are with an opinion like that?
You’re confused dude. I don’t think you got his meaning right.
hey man…thats cool, bowls thats cool 15″ wheel base yeah i hear ya
neil…i’m 36 and i still do 360 flips, and pressure flips
That shape looks great! Looks like this is in the area of 9 x 33 with a 15.5 or 16 wheelbase. Perfect!
It is the original shape. 32″x9.625″ the adjustable w.b. is 15/14.5 with 7″ or 6.25″ nose. with newer truck hole pattern. Great for ripping pools or street!
Somewhere between the front trucks and the nose,a quarter inch disappears!
15/14,25 SORRY!
houseofneil: 36 years old and still doing 360 flips. I believe later this year I’ll be doing 370 flips.
If I do remember correctly I might have learned tre-flips on this board aided by the bananas concave. It had enough bend to make you knock-knee’d for life.
OK, aimed at the over 45 crowd then. Anybody in my demographic doing 360 flips???
Anyways, enough of that. I’d buy this if it had a longer wheelbase. I guess that’s the point.
15″ w.b. isn’t small considering 90% of the boards out there have 14″ w.b. I know plenty of dude’s over 45 riding this thing in pools, killing it and they love it! (KREEP CONCAVE) We have A Ricky Winsor SSD model with a 15.25″ W.B. you might like. http://assaultskates.com/ Go check it out! You might just find something you like!
This deck looks fucking awesome!
Any idea where one might find one in the Greater PDX area? I too like the midwest, but it’s a bitch of drive out there.
Finally hauled one to Europe! Nice wallhanger. Just my luck: a couple days later the original (and good looking) G&S went off on ebay, for a reasonable price.
I had this one, and the MC Escher double kick…and I think the “Heinzovich” though my memory is hazy. I definitely played a buttload of foosball in Mark’s garage, though!
Nope, not the same shape, so sad some re-issues end up as “upgrades” of the originals.
The first ones Ned did were the closest to the real that we could get. It did evolve quite a bit as Assualt made these but the effort was definately to make it as OG as possible.
I just looked at one of the earlier ones and yea your right, its not close enough. We only had an original mini to use for the shape when we started but ultimately the curves of that shape arent there that should be.
Hey everyone, I just came across this, im a bit late.
Ive known Ned for years he lived with me in Dayton, so we got together and did the reissue because I trusted him to do it right. The idea was to do the same shape/concave, etc. as the original as close as possible because I wanted to honestly just see that board made again as it was. I sent him the OG and he made it off that with some tweaks. Yea this things a beast compared to boards now, it isnt flipping easily but yea thats what we did back then. LOL. we changed the label to the state of ohio because I did a demo in Pittsburg and Heintz caught wind. They sent the cease and desist letter and said it was the shape of the label that was trademarked, the keystone. Im stoked with the board, Ned did a great job and I love Assualts shit, its original and feels real. Thanks everyone for the comments, Its super humbling to see that people are still kinda stoked on this.