
8 thoughts on “Hopeless Old Men On Skateboards

  1. OMG, right on- I was at a christian wedding once and they read some passage like this about putting away childish things and I just freakin’ cringed…

  2. Yeah, the original is from the christian bible and ends with the part about putting away childish things.

  3. something like: yee cannot enter the kingdom of heaven who does not become again like a child. or something. I never stopped.

    1. Yee!

  4. The Birds on May 7, 2011 - Reply

    To every thing, turd, turd, turd…

    1. I thought it was burn, burn, burn…

      1. but everyone’s heard, about the turd!

  5. DeMarco on May 9, 2011 - Reply

    This is awesome because the other day I was talking to a woman at the bar and she asked what I did for fun. I mentioned a few things but she stopped me when I said I skateboarded. She said, “Oh yeah? My brother never could grow up either.” I just replied with “Never could grow up, eh? I’d say we’re 2 of the lucky ones.”

    Needless to say she lost interest soon after.

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