Downhill tailgating
Here’s some pretty cool POV footage of some downhill action courtesy of Madrid rider Zak Maytum, who starts out at the back and ends up passing everyone at least once. This reminds me of the old Omnimax footage of the rollercoaster ride and corvettes driving down a windy road. Iggy and the Stooges on the soundrtack too. Geez, I must have downhill on the brain, this is two Maryhill posts in a week.
UPDATE: Duh. I forgot the video, but it’s there now.
Best DH road I’ve ever seen!
Zak is ridiculously fast. He won last years Maryhill race and has a pretty good chance of doing it again.
If you are a skater living in Portland then you owe it to yourself to go skate Maryhill at least once.
Best advice ever!