Mark Marc McKee book in the works
There’s a decent short interview with Mark McKee in advance of his new book Warning: The Art of Marc McKee. Let’s see, where is this interview… on, errr… ESPN? Guess so. Mark made his, err… mark on some of the most famous and infamous World Industries graphics.
– Thanks to Eric Cherry for the tip.
I have always enjoyed this guys graphics. Pretty cool interview as well!
i think that ianucci needs to be re-issued
I’d like a showroom new 1970 Chevelle SS, but I wouldn’t want to violate the sanctity of time.
I added my comments on the espn site. To put this burnout up there with VCJ and Jim Phillips? I don’t fucking think so.
I wonder why you would take the words of an ESPN reporter this seriously.
But OK,he got off on the wrong foot,you would almost say this journalist is lying to us!! I think he meant the last 20 years,as stated in the 3rd sentence.And he never mentions the names you mention.I don’t totally disagree with your comment,it’s just a little harsh.
An artist’s work quality should be measured within his own generation.VCJ and JP (and Wes and Bernie…) are about 20 years older than Marc.No comparison really and you can’t blame them for being the first gen. to put real graphics on a board. Burnout?Maybe you know something I don’t know?
Props to Marc for getting his shit (artwork) together and publishing a book.
Too much modesty as an artist gets you nowhere.
My guess is you just don’t like 90’s boards.
you’re right. I was too harsh, but the espn writer got me totally pissed off by dismissing some of skateboarding’s legends. And you’re right again, most 90s graphics leave me totally cold. I find very little of interest or artistic merit in most of them.
The ESPN writer is Chris Neiratko, and if you don’t know who that is in skateboarding I suggest you figure it out before making negative comments. And if you don’t think McKee deserves to be in the same conversation as VCJ and Phillips, I suggest you stop pretending you know anything about skateboarding.
He doesn’t, so clearly you should stop pretending that you know anything about skateboarding. You are trying to compare artists that defined the entire genre with somebody that designed the flameboy graphic. Awesome.
“Skulls” do not define the entire genre of skateboard artwork. If you think that, then you’re dismissing all of the great art and artists that has come from Girl Skateboards Art Dump over the past two decades. I’m starting to think you might be the son of VCJ or Phillips?
Todd Swank’s work while on Skull: Rough, simple, unprofessional, made no sense to most non-skaters, “dark” without being macho or cliche, memorable.
Exhibition pictures on the Transworld Skateboarding website.
lets be honest, mckee and cliver are good at art but the coveted seat to replace VCJ is laughable…natas made the boards famous, not a master of lightboxes and copying…U DIG????
Y’all better zip it or “Ricky Oh” McKee here is gonna go all Bruce Lee on all yo’ asses!
NATAS made the satan board sought after, the exploding space shuttle was a natas board…those grapphics were endorsed by the innovator, and forgotten by the zumie prefab park ingrate generation, my friend almost got punched by the dean of discipline at my highsschool in 1990 bcuz his friend died on the challenger shuttle.
1990`s = shite deck art!
Long live the 80`s and VCJ + JP.