Credible sources
An editorial writer by the name Mary Kitch contacted me about Tom Miller’s appointment. She said to call her but neglected to actually leave a phone number. I didn’t get back to her in time obviously, because they quoted some S&A comments in editorial piece that basically complains about the fact that Miller was appointed to the position without casting a net for other candidates. I can see their point, actually, but I also don’t know how past candidates were hired. The reason for quoting S&A? To point out that the cycling and skateboarding community has reacted favorably to the appointment. You can read the piece on OregonLive.com.
– Thanks to Paul Fujita for the scan.
I don’t get it. Are people upset because he’s a skateboarder or because the person who hired him didn’t give open interviews??
It seems like anytime skateboarders are in favor of anything the rest of the population has to oppose it. It’s 2011 people, not all skateboarders are punk rock anarchists who are out to destroy the “perfect” little world that they have made for themselves.
~..that PEOPLE have made for themselves…
If it wasn’t for the anarchistic behaviour of skateboarders (the establishment of Burnside and the ensuing skatepark revolution (how ‘destructive’ was that dose of Anarchy?)), Tom might not be where he is at right now. I hope he brings some of that attitude to the table…
Anyway, I think this controversy is more about how and why he was ‘appointed’ not b/c he’s a skateboarder. Personally, I wish him the best…
Look can this dude do front rocks or what? How did he score this cushy job gig? why back in the day….
Hi Folks, I met Tom many years ago while we were working on the Steel Bridge Skate park concept with then Commissioner Hales. Tom was already an attorney working on tribal affairs and an avid skater and activist. This guy is the real deal bringing passion in all of his pursuits and has been an outspoken advocate for skateboarding. Truth is were lucky to have him at city hall along with a number of skaters and advocates. This has not always been the case as my history goes back to 1976 when our city banned skateboarding and established fines and penalties. Bottom line we’ve come along ways and skaters are the beneficiary’s Howard (Cal)
Hear, hear Howard and thanks to you for, what could be termed, a lifetime of commitment to skateboarding and community here in Portland. Cheers!