Road trips from promised land to promised land
Besides playing host to hoards of skate tourists from other parts of the country and world, Pacific Northwesters still find excuses to go on road trips to less fortunate places like… California! ( I kid, I kid….) Here’s a couple road trip videos from KC (found at EPM) and Frank Shaw. If I didn’t already know any better I would think that the “K” in K.C. stood for “Kilwag’s record collection.” KC reps for Scum but the also stopped by Billy Runaway’s headquarters, who happens to be an Addikt.
KC Goes to California
Jack’s Board House goes to Oakland and Santa Crud.
Oakland looks RAD!
now.. was the “fake concrete trashcan” made of fake concrete or was the trashcan fake? and what makes a trashcan fake if it was ideed fake?