New Ollie Record
Check out this photo of Powell Peralta rider Aldrin Garcia setting a new high ollie record of 45 inches on Tuesday. He almost looks like he’s doing a lien air off an invisible jump ramp, but as you can see in the video, it’s his tail tweaking out. Amazing stuff.
UPDATED: Indeed a superior camera vantage point, notwithstanding the seven second PG-13 intro thanks to, uh, Barf.
LOL @ ‘Powell Peralta’ rider. Is he a ‘bones brigade’ member too?
@Carl. You’re a noob. If you followed skateboarding, you would know that that’s what they’re trying to be referred to as now.
I follow skateboarding, which is why I don’t know of this ‘Powell Peralta’. From my understanding, they’re an old company that makes walmart remake 80’s boards and tries to remain relevant by doing things that have already been done better.
carl, your a douche bag
was waiting for a still shot…rad
Danny Wainright’s ollie sure did look alot better. He was straight and square going over wheras this guy had to go sideways. Hell, even Alex doing it switch looked better.
who shat in your pancakes carl? what i mean to say is Aldrin killed it! and you did what? talked shit.
straight and square? sideways? bro! don’t we all ride skateboards sideways?
sounds like maybe you are just queer and round.
It’s amazing, styled out like a shifty. Sorry, hot carl.
No, it’s not. Watch the film.
Skuz, I have footage of 40′ ollies into table grinds if you want to come over and blow me.
If that bar is 45″ then he’s doing 49″ or 50″. That’s amazing.
But he didn’t land sitting down…
Wow, I only have 44″ to go and the record will be mine. Ha, ha, ha, haaaaaa…
But seriously, that skater has developed the skateboarding version of the fozzberry(sp?) flop.
Here’s the correct term: Fosbury Flop. Maybe this is the Fosbury Pop! Yeah, zinger.
I’d like to see an entire Maloof Money Show-Jumping course, set up equestrian style.
And the riders wear the funny outfits and hats.
Or at least a proper spoof thereof.
PSA – if you find yourself dissing a 4′ high, tweaked out shifty, it’s time to get yourself to Trolls Anonymous.
hey ur giving us trolls a bad name…
Ha ha! Strikes again! I love it.
sky hooks
Alternate video shot from a superior angle:
It’s friday: this IS the superior angle!
[NSFW] depending on where you work.
It’s NSFW for me
Added it, thanks. And it’s only the first 5 seconds that are NSFW.
Link no show..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlxBpOKT..
Crap, guess we can’t post youtube links in the comments.
So sick.
Haters gonna hate.
huuuuge ollie!! kind of ridiculous to pay for cheerleaders tho haha
Well…this IS the Maloof brothers we’re talking about. The same guys who think it’s perfectly ok to construct a perfect concrete skatepark for a 3-day contest just to tear it down afterwards…
Killed it!
It’s not a shifty, its sketched out. There are a dozen dudes that can ollie this high, they just don’t ride for sad companies crying for attention that hold a faux event to draw attention to their own rider. Fucking sad and weak.
Want to see something mannish not done 11 years ago? check out ‘360 flips for beginners’ by DVS on itunes.
carl, we understand you are really stacy peralta doing research and development to make your company better
Carl’s like this little skater enamored of UFC who declared “Boxing’s a pussy sport”. Credibility out the ass.
Your grammar needs work.
The negativity you produce needs work
No I’m just trolling. SNA is this strange skate news vacuum where this is news, but Chris getting national coverage, the new DOS and Justin Beiber’s ollie over Terry Kennedy gets no play.
Justin Fucking Beiber, man. Get it together.
WTF, Carl! The “new DOS”? Are you talking about Commonwealth, or is DOS re-opening in another location?
These mallrats know not of what they speak. Boring. Powell Peralta and Bones are on track to dominate 2011. You must ride FKD bearings or something.
I meant to comment on the booty girl on the side of the frame. In the still above it looks like a dude with a gut. Maloof = Class.
thats no dude my friend, that being top pussy!
Carl can ollie 60 inches up his own ass.
carl says:
February 18, 2011 at 9:08 am
No, it
Fuck that Kid!! I ollied up a curb once.. but it was a while ago, your just gonna have to take my word on it..
epic post
carl, shut up and skate. don’t dis the others. jealous?
Carl = Daddy Yo reincarnated?
Or, is he Jake, pulling our leg?
Leave Carl alone!
Leave Jake alone!
…aw crap,should’a changed my avatar.