YouTube says it’s a “Cool New Sport” and I think it’s legit. I mean “legit” as in it’s not supposed to be a joke.
New Cool…! New Sport! New Challenge! New Image! The perfect blend of Street Dance and Skateboarding.Lifting the “BreakBoard “develop muscles and strengh.The patented”BreakBoard is an innovative 2N1 skateboard product designed for a new generation of talented athletes with a safe and “FunFitness”way to express their potential creative genius.
This board literally mates old exercise-craze “technology” with a skateboard. Along with pulleys on doorknobs, and later on Thigh-Masters, another exercise device pawned off on the fat and lazy American public was a simple turntable device that allowed you to do the twist in place without… I don’t know, excess friction in the balls of your feet. Jessie L. Drummer decided to put one on a skateboard to “fight obesity and stress” and engage in some excellent break dancing.
– Thanks to Bobcat for the tip.
AAAAHHHHHHH… I can’t finish. So so so so so so so so so SOOO far from anything to do with skateboarding.
So to fight obeasity and stress, you must learn to breakdance then every now and then sit down on the spinning longboard? Wow they really got the answer to obeasity right there.
…What I was thinking,but Mr T,don’t you dare use the beautiful longboard name for that monster.2×4 POS wood is a shame for other dead trees!
and it sounds like one big ball bearing.The name says it all,really.
I saw this on Sleestak, I don’t really see it selling well
No possible way that is not a joke.
That has to be a joke. No one in the video can break or skate. They seemed to forget to add that you can also put it on your dinner table and use it as a Lazy Susan. Sweet!
I’ve often wondered what Primo and Diane were up to these days. Now I know.
they are wedding DJs, are professionally endorsed by florence henderson, and will even do their old skateshow at your wedding if you request it. i wish i was kidding about any of that but im not… http://www.primodjs.com/
ok, now you made me look it up so heres a video… primo performing at a wedding…
Guaranteed the groom is now banging the girl from the local coffee stand and the bride is addicted to xanax and vodka. Thanks Primo, you ruined their lives.
Heheey,smart guy.Of course he couldn’t pass up on a beautiful floor like that,so he adds some break moves to boot!
Any freestyle post on SnA is a good one.
I don’t know Kilwag, that seems to actually cause EXTRA stress on the balls.
stress on=friction in….
Beat Street, da king a da beat I see ya rockin’ dat, uh, skateboard truntable thing from across da shtreet!
Hey, their slogan could be “sit and spin”
I want to see a board with wings, off road wheels on casters, a turntable, toe hooks, handle bar, a bike wheel, gas motor, that can fold into a chair.
Fucking Priceless!
It’s the shake weights of skateboarding.
If I ever see one of those, I will break it.
Kilwag, I’m disappointing that you didn’t include the website for “Breakboard”… http://musclesgames.com
Gold, Jerry! Gold!
Their pro team only has two members and one of them is dead. I see an opening! Take note folks you might be lookin’ at Montana’s first (and only) Breakboard Emabassador! Hello nylon pants!!!
^^^ dammit, I don’t know why my “name” didn’t come through on that post.
Give one to Sergie Ventura! lol