Alis Paint Board
Here’s a short but crazy video of a guy with two paint rollers fixed to his board instead of trucks. It comes from the folks at Alis in Denmark with no explanation whatsoever. Whoever this is, he doesn’t seem to have a problem ripping on a wackyboard.
– Thanks to Michel Skart Poulin for the tip.
Hate to break it but this is fake, shows the signs of a classic viral marketing video. Little explanation, and very calculated camera shake to simulate it’s real.
Totally sick idea though!
Yeah, and it spells ALIS. Pretty good little ad though, now I’ve heard of them…
What’s the fake part? It’s a Dogma video!
Yeah, i didn’t realize it spelled out ALis… watching it at 720p is more suspect, pan away before he actually drops in, doesn’t seem to quite line up after that invert, and hand doesn’t appear to be covered in paint when he picks it up. I’m guessing it was painted on and then skated, cloned over and unmasked. Still, the reflections in the water at the end… ah photoshop.
I wanted to believe. What a sucker.
That’s the last time (probably not) that I make a post on a tip I get a half an hour before I go to work.
lol…I hadn’t realized it spelled Alis when I tipped it…never the less still interesting, fake or not….
That’s Nicky Guerrero roller ripping at the Copenhagen skatepark!
i also call shenanigans.
have you ever used a roller to paint a smooth wall?
that thing would be slipping all over the place.
It could be real. Little details, the board being immediately covered with paint spray, and the lens spackle, the mop at the end, make me believe…
However, I do agree with Luke about slippage, and DS points out that ‘calculated shake’ and zoom that is in every freakin’ one of these type of vids…
Lot of work either way. I dig it.
Argh Kilwag you took the edge on this one again !
I was about to post a short word on the similarities between this “Alis” wackyboard and the old Hobie Sundancer !
Nevermind, I ‘ll do it anyway.
Watching it more closely, I think it’s both… it’s real, as in he skated that board and painted those lines, but each “letter” is edited into one run. The re-entry from the invert is way off.
do did done: Alis in Wonderland
Just saw it!
I like how you elaborate on the subject with tons of Hobie photo’s…
Actually I left apart the Sundancer when I delt with Hobie,
and I wanted to “bridge the gap” 35 years later … I even added another paint advertisement from Guadeloupe.
(yes, check it again, Sam !)
lets see a 50/50 grind…
might be this: