Sponsor Luv: Merde-ee Christmas
I ran into Egbert on the way out of Epic on Saturday. He was carrying a big cooler in through the front door. I asked him what it was for and he said “we’re gonna make sandwiches” like it was something everybody does at a skatepark. In reality, he had some sort of skit planned for this X-mas video, but Thomas NIchols had a freak accident and ended up breaking his arm after a flat bar mishap. Grover keeps trying to get me to ride that thing too. I’m glad I ignored him. Watch the Merde-ee Christmas vid after the jump, plus bonus footage of Nichols’ part in another vid for Auviq.
Have A “Merde-ee” Christmas from Merde Skateboards on Vimeo.
Thomas Nichols from scott bannan on Vimeo.
Une video Merdique.
Excuse my french – chic.
No skit…we just made sandwiches for lunch.
Great job Thomas !!
second vid was really cool , i think i will go skate!
merde sainte, patinage en difficult
That EggBerg is really tuning up the heat.
Cool video’s!
I make a little tradition of buying one christmas cd every year.
I was going for the Beach Boys first but ,daaaamn,now I gotta have that James Brown album!