Mean Jeans: Steve Don’t Party No More
Check out the video for “Steve Don’t Party No More” from Portland’s Mean Jeans. Buy their CD titled “Are you Serious” from the always entertaining Dirtnap Records.
– Thanks to Heath and Rick for the tip.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on December 20th, 2010
Categories: Media Watch, Music Videos, Rock and/or Roll, Skate
Tags: Dork Session
Check out the video for “Steve Don’t Party No More” from Portland’s Mean Jeans. Buy their CD titled “Are you Serious” from the always entertaining Dirtnap Records.
– Thanks to Heath and Rick for the tip.
Music wasn’t bad. A bit of a hipster overload in that video though.
I don’t think you understand the definition of the word “hipster.”
Are you kidding? That was text book hipster. Maybe not fixie, tight pant, Samba wearing hipster…but hipster none the less.
If anything, they seem to be shooting more for “hipster doofus” than straight up hipster.
Nice Seinfeld tie in Kramer. Only Elaine would think “hipster doofus”.
I concur.
He isn’t hip to it daddy-o.
I dig it.
If it weren’t for the high quality film,that vid. could have easily been 25 years old,which is a compliment.
All I here is 3 Ramones spinning in there graves. FUCK, Why? I was witness to these fellas when they opened for the Samoans. NOT MY CUP O’ TEA!